Brain the size of a planet…

Tuchena is our equivalent of ‘Marvin the Paranoid Android’. She really does have a brain the size of a planet and I often catch myself wondering what she is thinking; usually it is this:

‘Brain the size of a planet and I am stuck on earth with two loony humans and a couple of demented labradors.Ooooh, lucky me!’

So, to try and use up some of that excess brain power I have booked a four week ‘Sniffer Dog Class’ which starts tomorrow night, for her and I to attend.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I am worrying that she wont listen to a word I say, will get over excited when she meets the other dogs (there will be another 3), will throw up as she is travel sick and we will get asked to leave and never return!

In preperation I have bought an assortment of dog treats, sausages and cheese strings in the hope that something might tempt her to listen.

If I survive tomorrow, I will update the blog with our progress!

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